
CL-Remidict is a library used to access the WordsAPI API from Common Lisp.

How do I get set up?

CL-Remidict is designed to work with SBCL and ClozureCL. All of its dependencies can be fetched with Quicklisp, though you'll have to build CL-Remidict yourself.

Once you have the dependencies:

  • Clone the repository locally where ASDF can find it.
  • Use ASDF to load the system inside of your Lisp implementation (e.g., (asdf:load-system :cl-remidict))

Example usage

(multiple-value-bind (found result-list syllables pronunciation)
    (cl-remidict:lookup "documentation" "your-wordsapi-key-here" :word)
  (declare (ignore syllables))
  (format t "Pronunciation: ~a~%" (cl-remidict:pronunciation-all pronunciation))
  (format t "Definitions:~%")
  (loop for def across results-list do
    (format t "  => ~a~%" (cl-remidict:word-result-definition def))))

You can use any of the following for the LOOKUP function:

  • :WORD - Uses the "word" endpoint.
  • :DEFINITION - Uses the definition endpoint, returning just a definition.
  • :SYNONYMS - Uses the "synonyms" endpoint.
  • :ANTONYMS - Uses the "antonyms" endpoint.
  • :EXAMPLES - Uses the "examples" endpoint.
  • :RHYMES - Uses the "rhymes" endpoint.
  • :PRONUNCIATION - Uses the "pronunciation" endpoint.
  • :SYLLABLES - Uses the "syllables" endpoint.
  • :FREQUENCY - Uses the "frequency" endpoint.


  • Clone the Fossil repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature.
  • Push locally to the new branch
  • Contact me to set up a merge.